Skin Pix:
Your Body, My Canvas
These images, made by projecting my photographs onto a model, allow me to explore an entirely new way of creating body art.
Using the body as a canvas isn’t a new concept. Tattoos (permanent and temporary), piercing, painting, henna, cutting, and tribal markings are ways to make a statement by individualizing one’s body beyond what clothes, make up and hair styles can accomplish.
Using projection to create body art allows me freedom to position my image on the model, wrapping it around an arm, draping it over a shoulder or hugging a hip. In some of these works, the body is almost totally absorbed by the projected image while in others the projection creates a backdrop and emphasizes the body as a canvas.
I use light to create an ephemeral construct that I then make permanent by photographing the result.
Art Market Provincetown. Skin Pix September-October 2014 Photo Credit Lora Brody