Groovy Goa and David's Wham-O Moment

Apparently there was just a piece in The New York Times travel section about Goa as a beach vacation paradise. It is definitely that. The fine, white sand beaches are gorgeous. The water was of a "this ain't the North Atlantic" temperature. The choices of restaurants serving great food is endless. The feeling is laid back and mellow compared with other parts of India. Would I come back here? In a heartbeat. But not just because of those selling points. Sam warned that after a few days we'd find the crowds of boisterous Israelis on R and R from the army exhausting. The large-framed, white bellied (sun burned) Australian and Russian tourists would be less than picturesque, The Indian tourists (mostly young men turned loose and out of control) would become quickly annoying. The 24/7 "let's party!" culture would turn us off. None of those things happened. In fact, those were the very things that, at least for me, I liked the best about Goa. They presented a non-stop buffet of picture taking opportunities. People immersed in their few days of fun in the sun become both disinhibited and totally oblivious to anyone taking their picture. I had a ball.



20140217-073519.jpgFrom David: there's one picture that Lora was not able to get. It was a shot of a gorgeous, young French blond standing at the water's edge using a hoola-hoop -- topless. Wham-O!!, for those of you who remember the brand name. And her thong was too small to cover the label "Made in France".




Don't Eat The Monkey