Elephant Festival In Varkala

When I refer to Kerala as 'India light' people who haven't been to the north don't understand. Those who have, however, know exactly what I'm talking about. Here life is slower, the streets less crowded, the drivers not as crazy. Fewer beggars, fewer people living on the street, fewer sights that make you want to avert your eyes, or make you stare in amazement. Even the air pollution seems not so bad.At times, though, I long for some of that crazy North India excitement and last evening my wish came true. Our super rickshaw driver (and my new Facebook friend) Mujee took us to the Hindu Alackatt Festival which happens every year at this time. Poles lining the main street were decorated with strings of colored lights and festooned with banners. There were floats with computerized figures that moved, dancing horses, marching drummers and dancers dressed in fantastic costumes. There were balloons and street food. And there were elephants - 18 of them, dressed in golden headgear and draped with garlands of chrysanthemums. Residents had placed shrines outside their homes with offerings and children dressed in their holiday outfits didn't seem at all phased by the unending bursts of fireworks that were sounding all around.20130219-214655.jpg20130219-214645.jpg20130219-214636.jpg20130219-214624.jpg20130219-214752.jpg20130219-214725.jpg20130219-214744.jpg20130219-214613.jpg20130219-214551.jpg20130219-214705.jpg20130219-214715.jpg20130219-214603.jpg20130219-214519.jpg20130219-214543.jpg


Friday Night Services in Paradesi Synagogue

